
Definition: Meaning of, elevator in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɛlɪveɪtə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
elevator elevators
  1. American English a machine that takes people and goods from one level to another in a building [=  lift British English]
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  2. a machine with a moving belt and containers, used for lifting grain and liquids, or for taking things off ships
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elevator used in phrases

  • elevator boy (noun)
    1. a man employed to operate an elevator
  • elevator car (noun)
    1. where passengers ride up and down
  • elevator girl (noun)
    1. a girl employed to operate an elevator
  • elevator man (noun)
    1. a man employed to operate an elevator
  • elevator music (noun)
    1. the type of music that is played in shops and public places, and is usually thought to be boring
  • elevator operator (noun)
    1. an operator of an elevator
  • elevator pitch (noun)
    1. a short speech aimed to attract support for a new product or project
  • elevator shaft (noun)
    1. a vertical shaft in a building to permit the passage of an elevator from floor to floor
  • food elevator (noun)
    1. or other goods a small elevator used to convey food from one floor of a building to another
  • freight elevator (noun)
    1. an elevator designed for carrying freight
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