
Definition: Meaning of, boiler in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈbɔɪlə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
boiler boilers
  1. a container for boiling water that is part of a steam engine, or is used to provide heating in a house
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boiler used in phrases

  • auxiliary boiler (noun)
    1. as a ship's boiler that is used while the ship is in port nautical an extra boiler
  • back boiler (noun)
    1. a boiler that supplies central heating and/or hot water, fitted into a fireplace recess, normally behind a gas fire
  • boiler room (noun)
    1. a room in a large building where the building's boiler is
    2. American English informal a room or office where people sell SHARE s or services on the telephone, using unfair and sometimes dishonest methods
  • boiler suit (noun)
    1. British English a piece of loose clothing like trousers and a shirt joined together, that you wear over your clothes to protect them [↪  overalls]
  • bunny boiler (noun)
    1. a woman who is always thinking and worrying about whether her husband or boyfriend loves her, and is willing to deceive or threaten him so that he will do what she wants him to
  • donkey boiler (noun)
    1. as a ship's boiler that is used while the ship is in port nautical an extra boiler
  • double boiler (noun)
    1. a pot for cooking food, consisting of one pan resting on top of another pan with hot water in it
  • steam boiler (noun)
    1. sealed vessel where water is converted to steam
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