
Definition: Meaning of, Scottish in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈskɒtɪʃ /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. relating to Scotland or its people
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Scottish used in phrases

  • Scottish Borders
    1. a COUNTY in southern Scotland, that has a border with northern England
  • Scottish Gaelic (noun)
    1. the Gaelic of Scotland
  • Scottish Highlander (noun)
    1. a native of the Highlands of Scotland
  • Scottish Highlands
    1. the Scottish Highlands an area with many mountains in the northern half of Scotland
  • Scottish Lallans (noun)
    1. a dialect of English spoken in the Lowlands of Scotland
  • Scottish Legal System, the
    1. the system of law in Scotland which is based on CIVIL LAW, and is different from that of England and Wales, although the highest court of law in all three countries is the HOUSE OF LORDS . When laws are made in the British parliament, they do not always become law in Scotland because the legal system is different there.
  • Scottish Lowlander (noun)
    1. a native of the Lowlands of Scotland
  • Scottish National Party, the
    1. the full name of the SNP
  • Scottish Office
    1. the British government department responsible for carrying out government policy in Scotland
  • Scottish Parliament
    1. the parliament for Scotland which was established in 1999 and has the power to make laws in Scotland. The leader of the parliament is the First Minister, and its 129 members are called MSPs, or Members of the Scottish Parliament. They are elected by a system of PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION .
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