
Definition: Meaning of, f in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɛf /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
f f’s, Fs
  1. the 6th letter of the Roman alphabet
    F, ef
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Definition: Meaning of, F in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɛf /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
F F's, f's
  1. [uncountable and countable] the sixth letter of the English alphabet
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  2. [uncountable and countable] the fourth note in the musical SCALE 1 ( 8) of C MAJOR or the musical KEY based on this note
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  3. [countable] a mark given to a student's work to show that it is not good enough
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F used in phrases

  • De Klerk, F.W.
    1. (1936-) the President of South Africa from 1989 to 1994. He made many political changes and finally ended the system of APARTHEID . In 1990 he allowed the ANC to become a legal organization again, and let Nelson MANDELA out of prison. He and MANDELA won the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE in 1993.
  • F clef (noun)
    1. a clef that puts the F below middle C on the fourth line of a staff
  • F layer (noun)
    1. from 90 to 600 miles up the highest region of the ionosphere which contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for long-range radio transmission
  • F region (noun)
    1. from 90 to 600 miles up the highest region of the ionosphere which contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for long-range radio transmission
  • F.I.S.C. (noun)
    1. a secret federal court created in 1978 by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; responsible for authorizing wiretaps and other forms of electronic surveillance and for authorizing searches of suspected spies and terrorists by the Department of Justice or United States intelligence agencies
  • Fitzgerald, F. Scott
    1. (1896-1940) a US writer whose novels include The Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night .
  • Skinner, B.F.
    1. (1904-90) a US PSYCHOLOGIST (= a scientist who studies the way the human mind works) who developed the ideas of BEHAVIOURISM . He did a lot of EXPERIMENT s, especially with animals, to see how they behave in certain situations and how they can be trained to change their behaviour. He also invented "programmed learning", a teaching method which influenced the way that languages and other subjects were taught in the 1970s, although most teachers now think that Skinner's method was wrong.
  • f number (noun)
    1. camera the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a lens system
  • f-word (noun)
    1. used when you are talking about the word FUCK but do not want to say it because it is offensive
  • f.
    1. the written abbreviation of forte, used in music to show that a part should be played or sung loudly
    2. the written abbreviation of female
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