
Definition: Meaning of, hemisphere in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈhɛmɪsfɪə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
hemisphere hemispheres
  1. a half of the earth, especially one of the halves above and below the EQUATOR
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  2. one of the two halves of your brain
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  3. half of a SPHERE (= an object which is round like a ball)
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hemisphere used in phrases

  • Western Hemisphere
    1. the Western Hemisphere the half of the Earth that includes the Americas and the Caribbean
  • cerebellar hemisphere (noun)
    1. either of two lateral lobes of the cerebellum
  • cerebral hemisphere (noun)
    1. either half of the cerebrum
  • eastern hemisphere (noun)
    1. the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia
  • left hemisphere (noun)
    1. the cerebral hemisphere to the left of the corpus callosum that controls the right half of the body
  • northern hemisphere (noun)
    1. the northern hemisphere the half of the world that is north of the Equator
  • right hemisphere (noun)
    1. the cerebral hemisphere to the right of the corpus callosum that controls the left half of the body
  • southern hemisphere (noun)
    1. the southern hemisphere the half of the world that is south of the Equator
  • western hemisphere (noun)
    1. the hemisphere that includes North America and South America
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