
Definition: Meaning of, opera in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɒp(ə)rə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
opera operas
  1. [countable] a musical play in which all of the words are sung [↪  operetta]
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  2. [uncountable] these plays considered as a form of art
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Definition: Meaning of, Opera in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɒpərə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Opera operas
  1. a commercial browser
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Opera used in phrases

  • Beggar's Opera, The
    1. a funny OPERA by John Gay, first produced in 1728. It tells the story of a thief called Macheath, who is sent to Newgate prison, where he meets a woman called Lucy and makes his wife Polly jealous. A modern OPERA called the THREEPENNY OPERA, by Bertolt Brecht, is based on this.
  • English National Opera, the
    1. an OPERA company which performs OPERAs in English at a theatre called the London Coliseum
  • Metropolitan Opera, the
    1. a US OPERA company based at the LINCOLN CENTER for the Performing Arts in New York City. Its performances are often broadcast on the radio.
  • Phantom of the Opera, The
    1. (1910) a book by the French writer Gaston Leroux about a frightening man whose face has been DISFIGURE d (= injured in an ugly way) and who wears a MASK to hide it. He KIDNAP s a beautiful OPERA singer because he loves her. Several films and plays have been based on the story.
  • Royal Opera House
    1. the Royal Opera House a theatre in COVENT GARDEN in London where the members of the Royal Opera and the Royal Ballet are based, which is often simply called COVENT GARDEN. It is the most important opera house in the UK.
  • Threepenny Opera, The
    1. (1928) an OPERA with music by Kurt WEILL and words by Bertolt BRECHT, based on The BEGGAR'S OPERA (1728) by John GAY
  • comic opera (noun)
    1. opera with a happy ending and in which some of the text is spoken
  • grand opera (noun)
    1. an OPERA with a serious subject in which all the words are sung
  • horse opera (noun)
    1. a film about life in the western United States during the period of exploration and development
  • light opera (noun)
    1. a short amusing opera
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