
Definition: Meaning of, seven in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈsɛv(ə)n /

  • number
  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. the number 7
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  2. the seven year itch the idea that after seven years of being married, many people start to want a relationship with someone new - used humorously
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seven used in phrases

  • Group of Seven (noun)
    1. Canadian English canadian group of landscape painters from the 1920s, influenced by Impressionism
    2. as from 1998 group of advanced industrialized nations:United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, USA, Canada, and Russia
  • Group of Seven, the
    1. the full name of the G7
  • Seven Deadly Sins, the
    1. according to the Christian church in the Middle Ages, the seven most serious types of bad behaviour. The sins are PRIDE (= thinking you are better than other people), LECHERY (= too much desire for sex), ENVY (= disliking someone because they have things that you want and do not have), anger, COVETOUSNESS (= wanting someone else's wealth or possessions), GLUTTONY (= eating too much), and SLOTH (= laziness) .
  • Seven Dwarfs, the
    1. a group of seven very small men in the FAIRY TALE SNOW WHITE . In the Walt Disney film of the story their names are Doc, Grumpy, Sleepy, Bashful, Happy, Sneezy, and Dopey.
  • Seven Hills of Rome (noun)
    1. the hills on which the ancient city of Rome was built
  • Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (noun)
    1. impressive monuments created in the ancient world that were regarded with awe
  • Seven Wonders of the World (noun)
    1. impressive monuments created in the ancient world that were regarded with awe
  • Seven Wonders of the World, the
    1. seven ancient structures which were considered to be the most interesting and impressive things in the world made by ancient peoples. These were the PYRAMID s of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the STATUE of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the MAUSOLEUM (= building where people are buried) at Halicarnassus, the COLOSSUS OF RHODES, and the Pharos (a LIGHTHOUSE ) at Alexandria.
  • Seven Years' War (noun)
    1. 1756-1763 a war of England and Prussia against France and Austria ; Britain and Prussia got the better of it
  • Seven Years' War, the
    1. a war fought in Europe, North America, and India between 1756 and 1763. The war was about French and English COLONIES, and also Austria and Prussia wanting to control Europe. As a result of the war, France lost most of its land in India and the US to Britain, and Prussia became a leading European power under Frederick II.
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