
Definition: Meaning of, verb in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / vəːb /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
verb verbs
  1. a word or group of words that describes an action, experience, or state, such as 'come', 'see', and 'put on'
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verb used in phrases

  • auxiliary verb (noun)
    1. a verb that is used with another verb to show its tense, PERSON, MOOD etc. In English the auxiliary verbs are 'be', 'do', and 'have' (as in 'I am running', 'I didn't go', 'they have gone') and all the MODAL s
  • doubly transitive verb (noun)
    1. a transitive verb that takes both a direct and an indirect object
  • doubly transitive verb form (noun)
    1. a transitive verb that takes both a direct and an indirect object
  • intransitive verb (noun)
    1. or verb construction a verb that does not take an object
  • intransitive verb form (noun)
    1. or verb construction a verb that does not take an object
  • linking verb (noun)
    1. a verb that connects the subject of a sentence with its COMPLEMENT, for example 'seem' in the sentence 'the house seems big' [=  copula]
  • modal auxiliary verb (noun)
    1. such as 'can' or 'will' an auxiliary verb that is used to express modality
  • modal verb (noun)
    1. one of these verb forms: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to, used to, need, had better, and DARE . They are all used with other verbs to express ideas such as possibility, permission, or intention [↪  auxiliary verb]
  • object of the verb (noun)
    1. the object that receives the direct action of the verb
  • phrasal verb (noun)
    1. a group of words that is used like a verb and consists of a verb with an adverb or PREPOSITION after it, for example 'set off' or 'look after'. In this dictionary, phrasal verbs are marked 'phr v'.
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