
Definition: Meaning of, bell in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / bɛl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
bell bells
  1. a piece of electrical equipment that makes a ringing sound, used as a signal or to get someone's attention
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  2. a hollow metal object like a cup with a piece of metal hanging inside it, which makes a ringing noise when it moves or you shake it
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  3. give somebody a bell British English spoken to telephone someone
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  4. something that is shaped like a bell
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Definition: Meaning of, Bell in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / bel /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1847-1922 born in Scotland united States inventor of the telephone
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  2. 1879-1961 english painter; sister of Virginia Woolf; prominent member of the Bloomsbury Group
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  3. 1819-1905 a phonetician and father of Alexander Graham Bell
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Bell used in phrases

  • Alexander Bell (noun)
    1. 1847-1922 born in Scotland united States inventor of the telephone
  • Alexander Graham Bell (noun)
    1. 1847-1922 born in Scotland united States inventor of the telephone
  • Alexander Melville Bell (noun)
    1. 1819-1905 a phonetician and father of Alexander Graham Bell
  • Bell Laboratories
    1. a group of LABORATORIES in the US where scientists have made many important discoveries and developments in science and TECHNOLOGY
  • Bell, Alexander Graham
    1. (1847-1922) a Scottish scientist and inventor who lived in the US. He invented the telephone in 1876.
  • Canterbury bell (noun)
    1. european biennial widely cultivated for its blue, violet or white flowers
    2. herb of Colombia to Peru having pale purple flowers
  • Currer Bell (noun)
    1. 1818-1848 english novelist; one of three Bronte sisters
  • Liberty Bell (noun)
    1. the bell of Independence Hall; rung 8 July 1776 to announce the signing of the Declaration of Independence
  • Liberty Bell, the
    1. a bell, kept in Philadelphia, in the US state of Pennsylvania, which was rung on July 8th, 1776, during the AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR to tell people of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE from Britain. Because of this, the bell became a SYMBOL of liberty for the US. In 1846 it cracked when it was rung to celebrate the birthday of George WASHINGTON, and it could not be repaired.
  • Melville Bell (noun)
    1. 1819-1905 a phonetician and father of Alexander Graham Bell
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