word of the day

Pronunciation: ˈsɒləmənz
Parts of Speech: noun
the northernmost islands are part of Papua New Guinea; the remainder form an independent state within the British Commonwealth
Full Definition


About the Punjabi Dictionary

ALDictionary is one of the most helpful and functional online free dictionary available in the internet for now. There are a number of features that ALDictionary offers to the users. One of these features is the multilingual dictionary feature of ALDictionary that offers English to a multiple language definition, within a blink. ALDictionary currently provides this multilingual support for Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Tamil. As we are looking forward to extend our record, we would like to tell you that we are now introducing English to Punjabi dictionary. You can now get to know the exact Punjabi meaning of an English word within no time. Just type your word in the searching criteria and click the search icon to get your results presented in front of you in no time.

With the help of this online English to Punjabi dictionary you will be able to translate any English word to Punjabi within a mere second. Our English to Punjabi dictionary is a by-product of extended research and demand, which hopefully will be helpful to all the users. It can be used for simply knowing the meaning of a word, it can be used for learning the language as well. A very simple navigation system will help you in getting results for your searches very easily. With an enormous storage of English words along with proper Punjabi definition, meaning and examples you will never look another dictionary again other than ALDictionary.

Features of online English to Punjabi dictionary by ALDictionary

There are a number of features that make ALDictionary one of the best online free dictionaries to be used. And obviously these features are embedded in the English to Punjabi online dictionary. However it is better to list out the features that can help the users in understanding the effectiveness of ALDictionary.
  • An easy navigation feature can help you to gain an insight of the words in Punjabi language easily.
  • The pronunciation feature provides with the idea of proper pronunciation of the words.
  • Along with the meaning of the words ALDictionary provides the grammatical explanation and the examples for making it easier to learn.
  • The meanings will be written in Punjabi fonts, for better experience of the user.
  • The synonym and the antonym of the words can be easily found with just a click.
  • You can add words and meanings to words to our dictionary and make it more interesting while learning.

All of the features of ALDictionary’s free English to Punjabi dictionary can be helpful to you in the time of your need. It will prove to be your saviour for your study or work related issues and will be helping you in accomplishing your tasks effectively.

Benefits of English to Punjabi dictionary

The benefits that ALDictionary’s English to Punjabi dictionary brings you, will have you come back to our site again and again. We have listed the top benefits of using our website, for you to understand easily.
  • ALDictionary’s online English to Punjabi dictionary is free to use and it provides you with uncountable searches without charging you a penny.
  • It provides results within a fraction of second, you do not have to wait as website is very responsive with a very short page loading time.
  • With detailed definition and explanation of the word, our English to Punjabi dictionary enhances and extends your area of knowledge.
  • With the help of our online English to Punjabi translation tool, you can easily learn English as well as Punjabi within a very short time span.
  • The wide range of vocabulary will be helping you to learn more words like your searched one within a few clicks.
  • The ALDictionary community will be helping you to strengthening your language skills with more efficiency and effectiveness.

We expect that ALDictionary will help you in making learning fun for you. However, we would like to know what you think of us. Please provide us with your valuable feedback in order to help us in making our English to Punjabi dictionary even more helpful to you.

About ALDictionary

About ALDictionary
An impressive and easy-to-use online dictionary, ALDictionary is for everyone. Whether you are a student, parent, teacher or a scholar looking to learn English, Spanish, Hindi, Bengali or Arabic or just wanting to know the meaning, usage and pronunciation of certain words, turn into our dictionary. Great navigability, easy-to-use features and fun way of learning make ALDictionary a great reference site.
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