
Definition: Meaning of, college in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkɒlɪdʒ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
college colleges
  1. specialized education [uncountable and countable] a school for advanced education, especially in a particular profession or skill
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  2. us university [uncountable and countable] American English a large school where you can study after HIGH SCHOOL and get a degree [=  university British English]
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  3. part of a university [countable] one of the groups of teachers and students that form a separate part of some universities, especially in Britain
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  4. students and teachers [C also + plural verb British English] British English the students and teachers of one of these organizations
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  5. professional organization [countable] a group of people who have special rights, duties, or powers within a profession or organization
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  6. name of a school [countable] British English a word used in the name of some large schools, especially PUBLIC SCHOOL s
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college used in phrases

  • Cheltenham Ladies' College
    1. a PUBLIC SCHOOL for girls in Cheltenham, started in 1853
  • City Technology College
    1. a type of school in Britain that receives some money from business companies and teaches young people useful technical skills
  • College Boards (noun)
    1. tests taken by students in order to attend some US universities
  • College of Cardinals (noun)
    1. Roman Catholic Church the body of cardinals who advise the Pope and elect new Popes
  • Dartmouth College (noun)
    1. a college in New Hampshire
  • Eton College (noun)
    1. a public school for boys founded in 1440; located in Berkshire
  • Imperial College
    1. one of the colleges of the University of London, which is famous for education and RESEARCH in science, computing, and engineering
  • King's College Chapel
    1. a beautiful old church which is part of King's College, one of the colleges of the University of Cambridge, in eastern England
  • Open College, the
    1. a British organization which teaches adults in their own homes by means of radio and television programmes and CORRESPONDENCE COURSE s (= courses of study in which work is sent between teachers and students by post) . It teaches courses on business and the skills needed to work in many jobs and industries
  • Royal College of Art, the
    1. an important art school in London
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