
Definition: Meaning of, decimal in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈdɛsɪm(ə)l /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
decimal decimals
  1. a FRACTION (= a number less than 1) that is shown as a FULL STOP followed by the number of TENTH s, HUNDREDTH s etc. The numbers 0.5, 0.175, and 0.661 are decimals
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  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. a decimal system is based on the number 10
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decimal used in phrases

  • Dewey decimal classification (noun)
    1. a system used by libraries to classify nonfictional publications into subject categories; the subject is indicated by a three-digit numeral and further specification is given by numerals following a decimal point; publications are shelved by number
  • Dewey decimal system (noun)
    1. a system used by libraries to classify nonfictional publications into subject categories; the subject is indicated by a three-digit numeral and further specification is given by numerals following a decimal point; publications are shelved by number
  • Dewey decimal system, the
    1. a system used by libraries for putting books into groups according to their subject. General subjects (for example, sports) are given a number, and then particular parts of this subject (for example, the Olympics) are each given a more specific number using DECIMAL numbers. The system was invented by Melvil Dewey (1851-1931), a US LIBRARIAN .
  • circulating decimal (noun)
    1. a decimal with a sequence of digits that repeats itself indefinitely
  • decimal digit (noun)
    1. a digit from 0 to 9 in decimal notation
  • decimal fraction (noun)
    1. a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10
  • decimal notation (noun)
    1. usually the digits 0 to 9 any notation that uses 10 different characters
  • decimal number system (noun)
    1. a positional system of numeration that uses decimal digits and a base of ten
  • decimal numeration system (noun)
    1. a positional system of numeration that uses decimal digits and a base of ten
  • decimal point (noun)
    1. the FULL STOP in a decimal, used to separate whole numbers from TENTH s, HUNDREDTH s etc
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