
Definition: Meaning of, hang in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / haŋ /

  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
hang hung hung
Present Participle Third Person Singular
hanging hangs
  1. top part fastened also hang up [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to put something in a position so that the top part is fixed or supported, and the bottom part is free to move and does not touch the ground
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  2. top part fastened [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to be in a position where the top part is fixed or supported, and the bottom part is free to move and does not touch the ground
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  3. picture etc [transitive] to fix a picture, photograph etc to a wall
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  4. picture etc [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if a picture, photograph etc is hanging somewhere, it is fixed to a wall
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  5. picture etc be hung with something if the walls of a room are hung with pictures or decorations, the pictures etc are on the walls
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  6. kill/be killed past tense and past participle hanged [intransitive and transitive] to kill someone by dropping them with a rope around their neck, or to die in this way, especially as a punishment for a serious crime
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  7. paper [transitive] to fasten attractive paper to a wall in order to decorate a room
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  8. door [transitive] to fasten a door in position
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  9. mist/smoke/smell [intransitive + adverb/preposition] if something such as smoke hangs in the air, it stays in the air for a long time
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  10. hang open if a door, someone's mouth etc hangs open, it is open
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  11. hang in the balance if something hangs in the balance, it is not certain what will happen to it
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  12. hang by a thread if something is hanging by a thread, it is in a very dangerous situation and may not continue
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  13. hang (on) in there also hang tough spoken especially American English to remain brave and determined when you are in a difficult situation
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  14. hang your head to look ashamed and embarrassed
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  15. hang fire to wait for a short while before you do something
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  16. leave something hanging in the air to leave something in a situation where it has not been explained, completed, or dealt with
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  17. hang a right/left American English spoken to turn right or left when driving
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  18. [intransitive] American English spoken to spend time somewhere, relaxing and enjoying yourself
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  19. I'll be hanged if British English old-fashioned used to express annoyance or to say that you will not allow something to happen
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  20. hang it (all) British English old-fashioned used to say that you are disappointed or annoyed about something
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  21. hang something British English old-fashioned used to say that you are not going to do something
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  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
hang hangs
  1. get the hang of something informal to learn how to do something or use something
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hang used in phrases

  • Hang Seng Index, the
    1. a number that shows how well or badly SHARE s in companies have performed on the STOCK EXCHANGE in Hong Kong on a particular day. The number is based on the SHARE prices of large companies.
  • bent hang (noun)
    1. a hang performed with the elbows bent
  • care a hang (verb)
    1. show no concern or interest; always used in the negative
  • get the hang (verb)
    1. be or become completely proficient or skilled in
  • give a hang (verb)
    1. show no concern or interest; always used in the negative
  • hang by a hair (verb)
    1. depend on a small thing or be at risk
  • hang by a thread (verb)
    1. depend on a small thing or be at risk
  • hang glide (verb)
    1. fly by means of a hang glider
  • hang glider (noun)
    1. a rider of a hang glider
    2. a glider resembling a large kite; the rider hangs from it while descending from a height
  • hang gliding (noun)
    1. gliding in a hang glider
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hang used in phrasal verbs

  • hang about (phrasal verb)
    1. [intransitive/transitive] same as hang1
    2. [intransitive] same as hang1
  • hang around (phrasal verb)
    1. hang around something to spend time in a place waiting or doing nothing
    2. not hang around to start doing something immediately
  • hang around with (phrasal verb)
    1. hang around with someone to spend time with someone
  • hang back (phrasal verb)
    1. to not do something immediately because you are not confident or you do not feel certain about it
  • hang on (phrasal verb)
    1. [intransitive] to hold tightly to something
    2. [intransitive] [often in imperative] spoken to wait or be patient
  • hang onto (phrasal verb)
    1. hang onto something to keep something
  • hang out (phrasal verb)
    1. [intransitive] to lean out of a window so that the top part of your body is outside
    2. [transitive] to hang wet clothes outside to dry
  • hang over (phrasal verb)
    1. hang over someone/something if something hangs over you, you worry about it or feel upset about it
  • hang together (phrasal verb)
    1. if something hangs together, the different parts of it combine well so that it seems well planned and organized
  • hang up (phrasal verb)
    1. [intransitive] to stop using a telephone at the end of a conversation
    2. [transitive] to hang a piece of clothing on something
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