
Definition: Meaning of, motion in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈməʊʃ(ə)n /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
motion motions
  1. movement [uncountable] the process of moving or the way that someone or something moves
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  2. moving your head or hand [countable] a single movement of your hand or head, especially one made in order to communicate something [=  gesture]
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  3. suggestion at a meeting [countable] a proposal that is made formally at a meeting, and then is usually decided on by voting
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  4. in motion formal moving from one place or position to another
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  5. set/put something in motion to start a process or series of events that will continue for some time
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  6. go through the motions (of doing something) to do something because you have to do it, without being very interested in it
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  7. body waste [countable] solid waste material that comes out when you empty your BOWEL s - used especially by doctors and nurses
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
motion motioned motioned
Present Participle Third Person Singular
motioning motions
[intransitive and transitive]
  1. to give someone directions or instructions by moving your hand or head [=  signal]
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motion used in phrases

  • Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (noun)
    1. an academy that gives annual awards for achievements in motion picture production and performance
  • Brownian motion (noun)
    1. the random motion of small particles suspended in a gas or liquid
  • Early Day Motion
    1. a proposal formally made in writing by a member of the British parliament, and signed by other members. MPs do this in order to find out how much support there is for a particular proposal.
  • Kepler's law of planetary motion (noun)
    1. astronomy one of three empirical laws of planetary motion stated by Johannes Kepler
  • Newton's first law of motion (noun)
    1. a body remains at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force
  • Newton's law of motion (noun)
    1. one of three basic laws of classical mechanics
  • Newton's second law of motion (noun)
    1. the rate of change of momentum is proportional to the imposed force and goes in the direction of the force
  • Newton's third law of motion (noun)
    1. action and reaction are equal and opposite
  • apparent motion (noun)
    1. an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object
  • axial motion (noun)
    1. rotary motion of an object around its own axis
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