
Definition: Meaning of, pond in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / pɒnd /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
pond ponds
  1. a small area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake, that is either natural or artificially made
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  2. across the pond also on the other side of the pond informal on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean in the US or in Britain
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pond used in phrases

  • Carolina pond fern (noun)
    1. small free-floating aquatic fern from the eastern United States to tropical America; naturalized in western and southern Europe
  • Walden Pond
    1. a small lake in Massachusetts in the US near the place where Henry David THOREAU lived and after which he named his book 'Walden, or Life in the Woods'
  • common pond-skater (noun)
    1. a variety of water strider
  • pond apple (noun)
    1. small evergreen tree of tropical America with edible fruit; used chiefly as grafting stock
    2. ovoid yellow fruit with very fragrant peach-coloured flesh; related to custard apples
  • pond bald cypress (noun)
    1. common cypress of southeastern United States having trunk expanded at base; found in coastal swamps and flooding river bottoms
  • pond cypress (noun)
    1. smaller than and often included in the closely related Taxodium distichum
  • pond lily (noun)
    1. a water lily having large leaves and showy fragrant flowers that float on the water; of temperate and tropical regions
  • pond pine (noun)
    1. large three-needled pine of sandy swamps of southeastern United States; needles longer than those of the northern pitch pine
  • pond scum (noun)
    1. American English informal someone that you do not like, respect, or trust
    2. ALGAE
  • pond-apple tree (noun)
    1. small evergreen tree of tropical America with edible fruit; used chiefly as grafting stock
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