
Definition: Meaning of, professor in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / prəˈfɛsə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
professor professors
  1. British English a teacher of the highest rank in a university department
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  2. American English a teacher at a university or college
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professor used in phrases

  • English professor (noun)
    1. someone who teaches English
  • Higgins, Professor Henry
    1. a character in the play PYGMALION by George Bernard SHAW and in the film MY FAIR LADY, which is based on SHAW's play, who teaches a poor girl called Eliza DOOLITTLE how to speak and behave like an UPPER-CLASS lady.
  • Moriarty, Professor
    1. an extremely intelligent criminal, who is the main enemy of Sherlock HOLMES in the stories by Sir Arthur CONAN DOYLE
  • Regius professor (noun)
    1. holder of a British professorship created by a royal patron
  • Van Helsing, Professor Abraham
    1. a VAMPIRE hunter who hunts down DRACULA in the NOVEL by Bram Stoker
  • assistant professor (noun)
    1. the lowest rank of PROFESSOR at an American university
  • associate professor (noun)
    1. a PROFESSOR at an American university whose job is above the level of assistant PROFESSOR and below the level of PROFESSOR
  • full professor (noun)
    1. the highest ranking position for a university academic
  • visiting professor (noun)
    1. a university teacher who has come from another university to teach for a period of time
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