
Definition: Meaning of, rupee in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ruːˈpiː;rʊˈpiː /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
rupee rupees
  1. the standard unit of money in India, Pakistan, and some other countries
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rupee used in phrases

  • Indian rupee (noun)
    1. the basic unit of money in India; equal to 100 paise
  • Mauritian rupee (noun)
    1. the basic unit of money in Mauritius; equal to 100 cents
  • Nepalese rupee (noun)
    1. the basic unit of money in Nepal; equal to 100 paisa
  • Pakistani rupee (noun)
    1. the basic unit of money in Pakistan; equal to 100 paisa
  • Seychelles rupee (noun)
    1. the basic unit of money in Seychelles; equal to 100 cents
  • Sri Lanka rupee (noun)
    1. the basic unit of money in Sri Lanka; equal to 100 cents
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