
Definition: Meaning of, shrimp in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ʃrɪmp /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
shrimp shrimp, shrimps
or [countable]
  1. a small sea creature that you can eat, which has ten legs and a soft shell [=  prawn British English]
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  2. someone who is very small - used humorously
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shrimp used in phrases

  • brine shrimp (noun)
    1. common to saline lakes
  • fairy shrimp (noun)
    1. small freshwater branchiopod having a transparent body with many appendages; swims on its back
  • mantis shrimp (noun)
    1. tropical marine burrowing crustaceans with large grasping appendages
  • mussel shrimp (noun)
    1. tiny marine and freshwater crustaceans with a shrimp-like body enclosed in a bivalve shell
  • opossum shrimp (noun)
    1. shrimp-like crustaceans whose females carry eggs and young in a pouch between the legs
  • pistol shrimp (noun)
    1. small shrimp that makes a snapping noise with one of their enlarged chelae
  • seed shrimp (noun)
    1. tiny marine and freshwater crustaceans with a shrimp-like body enclosed in a bivalve shell
  • shrimp Newburg (noun)
    1. shrimp in Newburg sauce usually served in a rice ring
  • shrimp butter (noun)
    1. butter blended with chopped shrimp or seasoned with essence from shrimp shells
  • shrimp cocktail (noun)
    1. shrimps without their shells that are cooked and put in a pink sauce, and eaten cold before the main part of a meal [=  prawn cocktail British English]
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