
Definition: Meaning of, triangle in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈtrʌɪaŋɡ(ə)l /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
triangle triangles
  1. a flat shape with three straight sides and three angles
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  2. something that is shaped like a triangle
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  3. a musical instrument made of metal bent into the shape of a triangle. You hit it with a metal stick to make a ringing sound.
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  4. American English a flat plastic object with three sides that has one angle of 90° and is used for drawing angles [=  set-square British English]
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Definition: Meaning of, Triangle in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈtraɪæŋgl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Triangle triangles
  1. a small northern constellation near Perseus between Andromeda and Aries
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Triangle used in phrases

  • Bermuda Triangle
    1. the Bermuda Triangle an area in the West Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Florida, and Puerto Rico. Some people believe that many ships and aircraft have disappeared here without any reason.
  • Golden Triangle
    1. the Golden Triangle an area of hills consisting of part of Laos, Thailand, and Burma. Poppies for making the drug OPIUM are illegally grown there.
  • Southern Triangle (noun)
    1. a small bright constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Circinus and Apus
  • acute triangle (noun)
    1. a triangle whose interior angles are all acute
  • acute-angled triangle (noun)
    1. a triangle whose interior angles are all acute
  • equiangular triangle (noun)
    1. a three-sided regular polygon
  • equilateral triangle (noun)
    1. technical a TRIANGLE ( 1) whose three sides are all the same length
  • eternal triangle (noun)
    1. the difficult situation that occurs when two people have a sexual relationship with the same person
  • isosceles triangle (noun)
    1. a three-sided shape in which two of the sides are the same length
  • oblique triangle (noun)
    1. a triangle that contains no right angle
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