
Definition: Meaning of, Africa in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈafrɪkə /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. a CONTINENT (= one of the seven main areas of land on the Earth) that is south of the Mediterranean Sea, and west of Asia and the Indian Ocean
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Africa used in phrases

  • Black Africa
    1. the part of Africa below the SAHARA Desert, where most of the people are black
  • British East Africa (noun)
    1. the former British territories of eastern Africa, including Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, and Zanzibar
  • British West Africa (noun)
    1. the former British territories of western Africa, including Nigeria, Cameroon, Gambia, Togo, Sierra Leone, and the Gold Coast
  • Central Africa (noun)
    1. a landlocked country in central Africa; formerly under French control; became independent in 1960
  • East Africa (noun)
    1. a geographical area in eastern Africa
  • Economic Commission for Africa (noun)
    1. the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with economic development of African nations
  • Horn of Africa
    1. the Horn of Africa the part of East Africa that includes Somalia and some of Ethiopia
  • North Africa (noun)
    1. an area of northern Africa between the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea
  • Republic of South Africa (noun)
    1. known as Boers a republic at the southernmost part of Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1910; first European settlers were Dutch
  • South Africa
    1. a country in southern Africa south of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. Population: 43,586,000 (2001). Capitals: Pretoria and Cape Town. Largest city: Johannesburg. Until the 1990s, the country was ruled by an all-white government using the system of APARTHEID, which separated people of different races and gave no political rights to black people. In 1994 the African National Congress ( ANC ), led by Nelson MANDELA, won South Africa's first fully DEMOCRATIC election and became the government. South Africa's best-known products are gold and DIAMOND s .
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