
Definition: Meaning of, Cabot in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈkabət /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. ca. 1450-1498 italian explorer who led the English expedition in 1497 that discovered the mainland of North America and explored the coast from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland
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  2. 1476-1557 son of John Cabot who was born in Italy and who led an English expedition in search of the Northwest Passage and a Spanish expedition that explored the La Plata region of Brazil; in 1544 he published a map of the world
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Cabot used in phrases

  • Cabot, John
    1. (?1450-98) an Italian sailor and EXPLORER who worked for the English king Henry VII, and who reached the coast of North America in 1497
  • John Cabot (noun)
    1. ca. 1450-1498 italian explorer who led the English expedition in 1497 that discovered the mainland of North America and explored the coast from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland
  • Sebastian Cabot (noun)
    1. 1476-1557 son of John Cabot who was born in Italy and who led an English expedition in search of the Northwest Passage and a Spanish expedition that explored the La Plata region of Brazil; in 1544 he published a map of the world
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