
Definition: Meaning of, address in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / əˈdrɛs /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
address addresses
  1. [countable] the details of the place where someone lives or works, that you use to send them letters, emails etc
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  2. [countable] a formal speech that someone makes to a group of people
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  3. form/mode/style of address the correct title or name that you should use when speaking or writing to someone
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
address addressed addressed
Present Participle Third Person Singular
addressing addresses
  1. if you address an envelope, package etc, you write on it the name and address of the person you are sending it to
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  2. formal if you address a problem, you start trying to solve it
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  3. formal to speak to someone directly
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  4. formal if you address remarks, complaints etc to someone, you say or write them directly to that person
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  5. to make a formal speech to a large group of people
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  6. to use a particular title or name when speaking or writing to someone
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address used in phrases

  • Gettysburg Address (noun)
    1. November 19, 1863 a three-minute address by Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War at the dedication of a national cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg Address, the
    1. a famous speech made by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 in the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He expressed his grief for the soldiers killed in the American Civil War, and talked about the principles that they died for, in words that are often remembered by Americans: Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal ... We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
  • IP address (noun)
    1. Internet Protocol address a special number that is used to IDENTIFY a computer, and which the computer needs in order to be able to connect to the Internet
  • State of the Union address, the
    1. a speech given in January each year by the President of the US to CONGRESS and the nation, in which he gives his opinion of the condition of the country and explains his plans for the future
  • absolute address (noun)
    1. computer science a computer code specifying a memory location as determined by the hardware
  • business address (noun)
    1. the address at which a business is located
  • computer address (noun)
    1. computing the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored
  • form of address (noun)
    1. an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. 'Mr.' or 'General'
  • forwarding address (noun)
    1. an address that you leave for someone when you move to a new place so that they can send your letters etc to you
  • inaugural address (noun)
    1. especially by a United States president an address delivered at an inaugural ceremony
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