
Definition: Meaning of, amendment in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / əˈmɛn(d)m(ə)nt /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
amendment amendments
  1. [uncountable and countable] a small change, improvement, or addition that is made to a law or document, or the process of doing this
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amendment used in phrases

  • Eighteenth Amendment (noun)
    1. law an amendment to the Constitution of the United States adopted in 1920; prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages; repealed in 1932
  • Equal Rights Amendment, the
    1. the full name of the ERA
  • Fifth Amendment (noun)
    1. law an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that imposes restrictions on the government's prosecution of persons accused of crimes; mandates due process of law and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy; requires just compensation if private property is taken for public use
  • Fifth Amendment, the
    1. a part of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES which says that you do not have to give information in a court of law which could be used against you, and that you cannot be put in prison or have your property taken away without a proper legal TRIAL
    2. plead/take the Fifth (Amendment) to refuse to give information against yourself in a court of law. People in the US sometimes use this expression humorously when they do not want to answer a question.
  • First Amendment (noun)
    1. law an amendment to the Constitution of the United States guaranteeing the right of free expression; includes freedom of assembly and freedom of the press and freedom of religion and freedom of speech
  • First Amendment, the
    1. a part of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES which gives US citizens the right of freedom of speech, freedom of the PRESS (= newspapers, radio, and television), freedom of religion, and freedom of ASSEMBLY (= the right of any group to meet together) . Many cases concerning these rights have been taken to the SUPREME COURT .
  • Fourteenth Amendment (noun)
    1. law an amendment to the Constitution of the United States adopted in 1868; extends the guarantees of the Bill of Rights to the states as well as to the federal government
  • Fourteenth Amendment, the
    1. a part of the US CONSTITUTION which gave former SLAVE s the right to be US citizens. It gives all citizens the right to be protected by the law.
  • Nineteenth Amendment (noun)
    1. law an amendment to the Constitution of the United States adopted in 1920; guarantees that no state can deny the right to vote on the basis of sex
  • take the Fifth Amendment (verb)
    1. refuse to testify by invoking the Fifth Amendment, which states that nobody may be forced to testify as a witness against himself or herself
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