
Definition: Meaning of, broker in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈbrəʊkə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
broker brokers
  1. someone who buys and sells things such as SHARE s in companies or foreign money for other people
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  2. someone who arranges sales or business agreements for other people
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
broker brokered brokered
Present Participle Third Person Singular
brokering brokers
  1. broker a deal/settlement/treaty etc to arrange the details of a deal etc so that everyone can agree to it
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broker used in phrases

  • broker-dealer (noun)
    1. a financial specialist who trades for his own account and so acts both as a broker and principal
  • customer's broker (noun)
    1. someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency, brokerage or other service business
  • honest broker (noun)
    1. a person or party that is considered to be neutral and able to mediate between two parties
  • insurance broker (noun)
    1. someone who arranges and sells insurance as their job
  • marriage broker (noun)
    1. or tries to arrange someone who arranges marriages for others
  • power broker (noun)
    1. someone who controls or influences which people get political power in an area
  • real estate broker (noun)
    1. a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land
  • ship broker (noun)
    1. an agent for the ship owner; obtains cargo and may arrange for its loading or discharge
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