
Definition: Meaning of, bunker in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈbʌŋkə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
bunker bunkers
  1. a strongly built shelter for soldiers, usually underground
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  2. British English a large hole on a golf course filled with sand [=  sand trap American English]
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  3. a place where you store coal, especially on a ship or outside a house
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
Present Participle Third Person Singular
[transitive] [British English]
  1. to hit a golf ball into a bunker
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bunker used in phrases

  • Bunker Buster (noun)
    1. a 5,000 pound laser-guided bomb that can be programmed to penetrate to a given depth before exploding; used to penetrate hardened underground facilities
  • Bunker Hill (noun)
    1. 1775 the first important battle of the American War of Independence which was fought at Breed's Hill; the British defeated the colonial forces
  • Bunker Hill, the Battle of
    1. the first main battle of the AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR, in Boston, Massachusetts in 1775. Although the British army won the battle, the American COLONIST s killed and wounded more than 1000 British soldiers, and proved that their army was more powerful and effective than the British expected them to be.
  • battle of Bunker Hill (noun)
    1. 1775 the first important battle of the American War of Independence which was fought at Breed's Hill; the British defeated the colonial forces
  • bunker buster (noun)
    1. a bomb that goes deep into the ground before exploding, and which is used to destroy BUNKER s
  • bunker mentality (noun)
    1. defensiveness resulting from repeated attacks
  • coal bunker (noun)
    1. a small building or large container where coal is stored
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: əˈmɛrɪk(ə)n ˈaləʊ
Parts of Speech: noun
tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fibre