
Definition: Meaning of, chocolate in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈtʃɒk(ə)lət /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
chocolate chocolates
  1. [uncountable] a sweet brown food that you can eat as a sweet or use in cooking to give foods such as cakes a special sweet taste
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  2. [countable] a small sweet that is covered with chocolate
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  3. [uncountable and countable] a hot sweet drink made with milk and chocolate, or a cup of this drink
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  4. [uncountable] a dark brown colour
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chocolate used in phrases

  • Indian chocolate (noun)
    1. erect perennial of north temperate zone having pinnate leaves and a few nodding flowers with a brown-purple calyx and orange and pink petals
  • baking chocolate (noun)
    1. pure unsweetened chocolate used in baking and icings and sauces and candy
  • bitter chocolate (noun)
    1. pure unsweetened chocolate used in baking and icings and sauces and candy
  • bittersweet chocolate (noun)
    1. chocolate liquor with cocoa butter and small amounts of sugar and vanilla; lecithin is usually added
  • chocolate bar (noun)
    1. a bar of chocolate candy
  • chocolate box (adjective)
    1. a chocolate box place looks pretty, but in a way that is false because it seems too perfect
  • chocolate cake (noun)
    1. cake containing chocolate
  • chocolate candy (noun)
    1. candy made with chocolate
  • chocolate chip cookie (noun)
    1. a kind of small BISCUIT with small pieces of chocolate in it
  • chocolate eclair (noun)
    1. eclair topped with chocolate
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