
Definition: Meaning of, deal in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / diːl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
deal deals
  1. agreement [countable] an agreement or arrangement, especially in business or politics, that helps both sides involved
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  2. a great deal also a good deal a large quantity of something [=  a lot]
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  3. treatment [countable usually singular] treatment of a particular type that is given or received
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  4. it's a deal spoken used to say that you agree to do something
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  5. cards [singular] when you give out cards to players in a card game [↪  dealer]
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  6. wood [uncountable] British English FIR or PINE wood used for making things
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  7. a deal of something old-fashioned a large amount of something
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
deal dealt dealt
Present Participle Third Person Singular
dealing deals
  1. [intransitive and transitive] also deal something ↔ out to give playing cards to each of the players in a game
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  2. [intransitive] informal to buy and sell illegal drugs
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  3. deal a blow (to somebody/something) to cause harm to someone or something - used in news reports
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deal used in phrases

  • New Deal (noun)
    1. 1933-1940 the historic period in the United States during which President Franklin Roosevelt's economic policies were implemented
    2. the economic policy of F. D. Roosevelt
  • New Deal, the
    1. a programme of economic and social changes that was introduced in the US by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, in order to help people who had lost their jobs or their property as a result of the Great Depression. It included money for farmers to borrow and an important programme of PUBLIC WORKS (= work on new roads, public buildings etc, paid for by the government)
    2. a programme introduced in the UK by the Labour government in 1998, in order to help people without jobs, especially people who have been unemployed for a long time. It offers people new jobs or the opportunity to receive training.
  • a good deal (adverb)
    1. to a very great degree or extent
  • a great deal (adverb)
    1. to a very great degree or extent
    2. frequently or in great quantities
  • arms deal (noun)
    1. a deal to provide military arms
  • big deal (noun)
    1. used to say that you do not think something is as important as someone else thinks it is
    2. an important or exciting event or situation
  • business deal (noun)
    1. a particular instance of buying or selling
  • fair deal (noun)
    1. fair treatment
  • good deal (noun)
    1. often followed by 'of' a large number, amount or extent
  • great deal (noun)
    1. often followed by 'of' a large number, amount or extent
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deal used in phrasal verbs

  • deal in (phrasal verb)
    1. deal in something to buy and sell something
    2. deal in something to be interested in something
  • deal out (phrasal verb)
    1. [intransitive/transitive] same as deal1 (sense 1)
    2. [transitive] informal to give a punishment to someone
  • deal with (phrasal verb)
    1. deal with something to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem
    2. deal with someone to take the action that is necessary when you are involved with a particular person or type of person
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