
Definition: Meaning of, dime in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / dʌɪm /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
dime dimes
  1. a coin of the US and Canada, worth one tenth of a dollar
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  2. a dime a dozen American English informal very common and not valuable [=  ten a penny British English]
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dime used in phrases

  • Brother can you spare a dime
    1. the title of a song written about the GREAT DEPRESSION of the 1930s in the US. In the song, a man who had been rich and respected before the Depression asks people to give him money, as he is now poor.
  • a dime a dozen (adjective)
    1. very common, of little value
  • dime a dozen (adjective)
    1. very common, of little value
  • dime bag (noun)
    1. street name for a packet of illegal drugs that is sold for ten dollars
  • dime novel (noun)
    1. a cheap book with a story that contains a lot of exciting events
  • dime store (noun)
    1. a shop that sells many different kinds of cheap goods, especially for the house
  • nickel-and-dime (verb)
    1. to not give enough attention or money to something, with the result that it is not dealt with effectively
    nickel-and-dime (adjective)
    1. unimportant or involving little money
  • turn a nice dime (verb)
    1. make a satisfactory profit
  • turn on a dime (verb)
    1. driving have a small turning radius
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