
Definition: Meaning of, hook in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / hʊk /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
hook hooks
  1. hanging things a curved piece of metal or plastic that you use for hanging things on [↪  peg]
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  2. catching fish a curved piece of thin metal with a sharp point for catching fish
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  3. let/get somebody off the hook to allow someone or help someone to get out of a difficult situation
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  4. leave/take the phone off the hook to leave or take the telephone RECEIVER (= the part you speak into) off the part where it is usually placed so that no one can call you
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  5. be ringing off the hook American English if your telephone is ringing off the hook, a lot of people are calling you
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  6. interest something that is attractive and gets people's interest and attention [=  draw]
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  7. by hook or by crook if you are going to do something by hook or by crook, you are determined to do it, whatever methods you have to use
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  8. hitting somebody a way of hitting your opponent in BOXING, in which your elbow is bent [↪  punch, jab]
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  9. hook, line, and sinker if someone believes something hook, line, and sinker, they believe a lie completely
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
hook hooked hooked
Present Participle Third Person Singular
hooking hooks
  1. fish to catch a fish with a hook
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  2. fasten [always + adverb/preposition] to fasten or hang something onto something else
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  3. bend your finger/arm etc [always + adverb/preposition] to bend your finger, arm, or leg, especially so that you can pull or hold something else
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  4. interest/attract informal to succeed in making someone interested in something or attracted to something
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  5. electronic equipment [always + adverb/preposition] also hook up to connect a piece of electronic equipment to another piece of equipment or to an electricity supply [↪  hook-up]
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  6. ball to throw or kick a ball so that it moves in a curve
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hook used in phrases

  • Captain Hook
    1. an evil PIRATE (= someone who sails on the sea, attacking other ships and stealing from them) who has a metal hook in place of one of his hands, and who is the enemy of PETER PAN in the play and book PETER PAN by J. M. BARRIE
  • Hook of Holland (noun)
    1. a cape on the southwestern coast of the Netherlands near Rotterdam
  • Hook, Captain
  • arrester hook (noun)
    1. a restraint that slows airplanes as they land on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier
  • bench hook (noun)
    1. as while chiseling or planing any of various stops on a workbench against which work can be pushed
  • boat hook (noun)
    1. a long pole with an iron hook at the end, used to pull or push a small boat
  • by hook or by crook (adverb)
    1. in any way necessary
  • cant hook (noun)
    1. a peavey having a hook instead of a spike; used for handling logs
  • crochet hook (noun)
    1. a needle with a hook on the end; used in crocheting
  • cup hook (noun)
    1. usually on the underside of a shelf hook for hanging cups
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hook used in phrasal verbs

  • hook into (phrasal verb)
    1. hook into something to become connected to something such as a computer network or phone system
    2. hook into something American English informal to become closely involved in something, often in a way that makes it difficult to stop being involved
  • hook up (phrasal verb)
    1. [transitive] to connect two pieces of electrical or electronic equipment together, or to connect a piece of equipment to a computer or power supply
    2. [intransitive/transitive] if you hook up to a place or to the Internet, or if you hook something up, you become connected to it through your computer
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