
Definition: Meaning of, jury in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈdʒʊəri /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
jury juries
  1. a group of 12 ordinary people who listen to the details of a case in court and decide whether someone is guilty or not
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  2. a group of people chosen to judge a competition
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  3. the jury is (still) out on something used to say that something has not been finally decided
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jury used in phrases

  • blue ribbon jury (noun)
    1. law a jury whose members are selected for special knowledge for a case involving complicated issues
  • grand jury (noun)
    1. law a group of people in the US who decide whether someone charged with a crime should be judged in a court of law
  • hung jury (noun)
    1. a JURY ( 1) that cannot agree whether someone is guilty of a crime
  • jury box (noun)
    1. the place where the jury sits in a court
  • jury duty (noun)
    1. the civic duty to serve on a jury
  • jury mast (noun)
    1. a temporary mast to replace one that has broken off
  • jury service (noun)
    1. a period of time during which you must be part of a jury
  • jury system (noun)
    1. law a legal system for determining the facts at issue in a law suit
  • jury-rigged (adjective)
    1. done or made using whatever is available
  • petit jury (noun)
    1. law a jury of 12 to determine the facts and decide the issue in civil or criminal proceedings
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