
Definition: Meaning of, leader in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈliːdə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
leader leaders
  1. in control the person who directs or controls a group, organization, country etc [↪  ruler]
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  2. competition the person or group that is in front of all the others in a race or competition
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  3. product/company the product or company that is the best or most successful
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  4. newspaper British English a piece of writing in a newspaper giving the paper's opinion on a subject [=  editorial]
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  5. musician British English the main VIOLIN player in an ORCHESTRA [=  concertmaster American English]
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  6. musical director American English someone who directs the playing of a musical group [=  conductor British English]
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  7. tape technical the part at the beginning of a film or recording tape which has nothing on it
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  8. branch technical a long thin branch that grows from the stem of a bush or tree beyond other branches
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leader used in phrases

  • American Revolutionary leader (noun)
    1. a nationalist leader in the American Revolution and in the creation of the United States
  • Leader of the House, the
    1. a member of the UK government who is responsible for organizing the work of the British Parliament. There are two Leaders of the House, one for the House of Commons and one for the House of Lords.
  • Leader of the Opposition, the
    1. the leader of the main party opposing the government in the British parliament
  • business leader (noun)
    1. a very wealthy or powerful businessman
  • civic leader (noun)
    1. a leader in municipal affairs
  • civil leader (noun)
    1. a leader in municipal affairs
  • civil rights leader (noun)
    1. a leader of the political movement dedicated to securing equal opportunity for members of minority groups
  • floor leader (noun)
    1. the legislator who organizes his party's strategy
  • follow-my-leader (noun)
    1. a children's game in which one of the players does actions which all the other players must copy
  • follow-the-leader (noun)
    1. a children's game in which each person in a line replicates the actions of the one in front
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