
Definition: Meaning of, legged in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / lɛgd /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. having legs of a specified kind or number
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legged used in phrases

  • bandy-legged (adjective)
    1. have legs that curve outward at the knees
  • black-legged tick (noun)
    1. deer tick especially New England parasitic on mice of genus Peromyscus and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in eastern United States ; northern form was for a time known as Ixodes dammini
  • cross-legged (adverb)
    1. in a sitting position with your knees wide apart and one foot on top of the other
  • hairy-legged vampire bat (noun)
    1. similar in size and habits to Desmodus rotundus; of tropical America including southern California and Texas
  • long-legged (adjective)
    1. having long legs
  • red-legged partridge (noun)
    1. common western European partridge with red legs
  • rough-legged hawk (noun)
    1. large hawk of the northern hemisphere that feeds chiefly on small rodents and is beneficial to farmers
  • spindle-legged (adjective)
    1. having long slender legs
  • straight-legged (adjective)
    1. having straight legs
  • three-legged (adjective)
    1. having or as if having three legs
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