
Definition: Meaning of, library in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈlʌɪbrəri;ˈlʌɪbri /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
library libraries
  1. a room or building containing books that can be looked at or borrowed [↪  bookshop]
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  2. a group of books, CDs etc, collected by one person
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  3. a room in a large house where books are kept
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  4. a set of books, CDs, videos etc that are produced by the same company and have the same general appearance
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  5. library pictures/footage British English film or pictures used in a television programme which are not recent
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library used in phrases

  • Bachelor of Arts in Library Science (noun)
    1. a bachelor's degree in library science
  • Bodleian Library
    1. the Bodleian Library also the Bodleian the university library of Oxford University, which has many of the country's oldest and most famous books and papers
  • British Library, the
    1. the national library of the UK, with centres in London and in Yorkshire, which receives a copy of every book produced in the UK
  • Library of Congress, the
    1. the largest LIBRARY in the US, in Washington, D.C. It is one of the largest libraries in the world. PUBLISHER s have to give a copy of every book, magazine etc that is produced in the US to the Library.
  • Master of Arts in Library Science (noun)
    1. a master's degree in library science
  • Master of Library Science (noun)
    1. a master's degree in library science
  • Nag Hammadi Library (noun)
    1. a collection of 13 ancient papyrus codices translated from Greek into Coptic that were discovered by farmers near the town of Nag Hammadi in 1945; the codices contain 45 distinct works including the chief sources of firsthand knowledge of Gnosticism
  • National Library of Medicine (noun)
    1. the world's largest medical library
  • United States National Library of Medicine (noun)
    1. the world's largest medical library
  • circulating library (noun)
    1. library that provides books for use outside the building
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