
Definition: Meaning of, martin in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɑːtɪn /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
martin martins
  1. a small bird like a SWALLOW
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Definition: Meaning of, Martin in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɑːtɪn /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Martin martins
  1. 1917-1995 united States singer
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  2. died in 397 french bishop who is a patron saint of France
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  3. 1913-1990 united States actress
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  4. born in 1945 united States actor and comedian
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  5. 2003-2006 liberal Prime Minister of Canada
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Martin used in phrases

  • Aston Martin
    1. a type of fast SPORTS CAR made by the British company Aston Martin
  • Charles Martin Hall (noun)
    1. 1863-1914 united States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminium from bauxite
  • Dean Martin (noun)
    1. 1917-1995 united States singer
  • Jean Martin Charcot (noun)
    1. 1825-1893 french neurologist who tried to use hypnotism to cure hysteria
  • King, Martin Luther
    1. (1929-68) a black US religious leader who became the most important leader of the civil rights movement and worked hard to achieve social changes for black people. He was a great public speaker, and many people remember his famous speech that starts with the words "I have a dream". He encouraged people to try to achieve changes without using violence, and in 1964 he won the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE . In 1968 he was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee. In the US there is a national holiday in January to celebrate his birthday.
  • Luther, Martin
    1. (1483-1546) a German religious leader whose ideas have had great influence on religion in Europe. In 1517, he started the REFORMATION (=the time when many Christians in Europe left the Catholic religion and started the Protestant religion) by writing his 95 Theses, in which he criticized the Catholic religion. He also translated the Bible from Latin into German.
  • Martin Buber (noun)
    1. 1878-1965 born in Austria israeli religious philosopher ; as a Zionist he promoted understanding between Jews and Arabs; his writings affected Christian thinkers as well as Jews
  • Martin Cline (noun)
    1. born in 1934 american geneticist who succeeded in transferring a functioning gene from one mouse to another
  • Martin Heidegger (noun)
    1. 1889-1976 german philosopher whose views on human existence in a world of objects and on Angst influenced the existential philosophers
  • Martin Heinrich Klaproth (noun)
    1. 1743-1817 german chemist who pioneered analytical chemistry and discovered three new elements
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