
Definition: Meaning of, needle in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈniːd(ə)l /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
needle needles
  1. sewing a small thin piece of steel, with a point at one end and a hole in the other, used for sewing [↪  pin]
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  2. sewing a KNITTING NEEDLE
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  3. drugs a very thin, pointed steel tube at the end of a SYRINGE, which is pushed into your skin to put a drug or medicine into your body or to take out blood
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  4. pointer a long thin piece of metal on a scientific instrument that moves backwards and forwards and points to numbers or directions
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  5. medical treatment a long, very thin piece of metal used in ACUPUNCTURE (= a kind of medical treatment originally used in China)
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  6. leaf a small needle-shaped leaf, especially from a PINE tree
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  7. records the very small, pointed part in a RECORD PLAYER that touches the record in order to play it
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  8. like looking for a needle in a haystack informal used to say that something is almost impossible to find
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
needle needled needled
Present Participle Third Person Singular
needling needles
[transitive] [informal]
  1. to deliberately annoy someone by making unkind remarks or jokes about them [=  rib, tease]
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needle used in phrases

  • Adam's needle (noun)
    1. yucca with long stiff leaves having filamentlike appendages
  • Adam's needle-and-thread (noun)
    1. yucca with long stiff leaves having filamentlike appendages
  • Cleopatra's Needle
    1. one of two ancient Egyptian OBELISK s (= a very tall piece of stone with a pointed end), which were built over 3000 years ago. One is on the EMBANKMENT in London, and the other is in Central Park, in New York City.
  • Space Needle
    1. the Space Needle a tall tower (185 metres) which is the most famous building in Seattle, Washington State, US, and which is sometimes used in pictures to represent Seattle
  • crochet needle (noun)
    1. a needle with a hook on the end; used in crocheting
  • darning needle (noun)
    1. a long needle with an eye large enough for heavy darning or embroidery thread
    2. slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest; adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
  • devil's darning needle (noun)
    1. common climber of eastern North America that sprawls over other plants and bears numerous panicles of small creamy white flowers
    2. slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest; adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
  • embroidery needle (noun)
    1. a long needle with an eye large enough for heavy darning or embroidery thread
  • hypodermic needle (noun)
    1. a hollow needle
  • ice needle (noun)
    1. small crystals of ice
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