
Definition: Meaning of, pastry in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈpeɪstri /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
pastry pastries
  1. [uncountable] a mixture of flour, butter, and milk or water, used to make the outer part of baked foods such as PIE s
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  2. [countable] a small sweet cake, made using pastry
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pastry used in phrases

  • Danish pastry (noun)
    1. a small fairly flat sweet cake, often with fruit inside
  • French pastry (noun)
    1. sweet filled pastry made of especially puff paste
  • choux pastry (noun)
    1. a type of light pastry made from butter, water, flour and eggs, used to make profiteroles, eclairs, etc
  • danish pastry (noun)
    1. light sweet yeast-raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese
  • pastry cart (noun)
    1. a serving cart for displaying pastry desserts to restaurant patrons
  • pastry cook (noun)
    1. a chef who specializes in pastry
  • pastry dough (noun)
    1. a dough of flour and water and shortening
  • puff pastry (noun)
    1. a type of very light PASTRY made of many thin layers
  • shortcrust pastry (noun)
    1. a type of PASTRY which breaks up easily and is used for making PIE s
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