
Definition: Meaning of, satellite in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈsatəlʌɪt /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
satellite satellites
  1. a machine that has been sent into space and goes around the Earth, moon etc, used for radio, television, and other electronic communication
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  2. a natural object that moves around a PLANET
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  3. a country, area, or organization that is controlled by or is dependent on another larger one
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  4. a town that has developed next to a large city
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satellite used in phrases

  • Galilean satellite (noun)
    1. one of the four satellites of Jupiter that were discovered by Galileo
  • artificial satellite (noun)
    1. man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon
  • astronomy satellite (noun)
    1. a satellite equipped with a telescope to observe infrared radiation
  • communications satellite (noun)
    1. a SATELLITE that is used to send radio, television, and telephone signals around the world
  • meteorological satellite (noun)
    1. a satellite that transmits frequent picture of the earth below
  • satellite TV (noun)
    1. a television system in which the signal is transmitted to an orbiting satellite that receives the signal and amplifies it and transmits it back to earth
  • satellite dish (noun)
    1. a large circular piece of metal that receives satellite television broadcasts
  • satellite navigation (noun)
    1. a navigation system using location and traffic information from orbiting satellites
  • satellite receiver (noun)
    1. a receiver on a communications satellite
  • satellite television (noun)
    1. television programmes that are broadcast using satellites in space, and which you need a special piece of equipment to be able to watch
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