
Definition: Meaning of, silkworm in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈsɪlkwəːm /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
silkworm silkworms
  1. a type of CATERPILLAR which produces silk thread
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silkworm used in phrases

  • ailanthus silkworm (noun)
    1. large green silkworm of the cynthia moth
  • domestic silkworm moth (noun)
    1. stocky creamy-white Asiatic moth found almost entirely under human care; the source of most of the silk commerce
  • domesticated silkworm moth (noun)
    1. stocky creamy-white Asiatic moth found almost entirely under human care; the source of most of the silk commerce
  • giant silkworm (noun)
    1. larva of a saturniid moth; spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon
  • giant silkworm moth (noun)
    1. any silkworm moth of the family Saturniidae
  • silkworm moth (noun)
    1. any silkworm moth of the family Saturniidae
    2. moderate-sized Asiatic moth whose larvae feed on mulberry leaves and produce silk
  • silkworm seed (noun)
    1. eggs of a silkworm
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: təˈrɛstrɪəl tʌɪm
Parts of Speech: noun
astronomy a measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion; terrestrial time is mean solar time corrected for the irregularities of the Earth's motions