
Definition: Meaning of, stud in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / stʌd /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
stud studs
  1. animal [uncountable and countable] the use of animals, especially horses, for breeding, an animal that is used in this way, or a place where this is done
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  2. man [countable] informal a man who has a lot of sexual partners and who is very proud of his sexual ability
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  3. on shoes [countable] one of a set of small pointed pieces of metal or plastic that are attached to the bottom of a running shoe, football boot etc to stop you from slipping
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  4. in your ear [countable] a small, round EARRING
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  5. for decoration [countable] a round piece of metal that is stuck into a surface for decoration
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  6. for a shirt [countable] a small thing for fastening a shirt or collar that consists of two round, flat pieces of metal joined together by a bar
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  7. board [countable] American English a board that is used to make the frame of a house
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stud used in phrases

  • collar stud (noun)
    1. an object like a button, used to fasten old-fashioned collars to shirts
  • press stud (noun)
    1. a fastener used on clothing; fastens with a snapping sound
  • stud farm (noun)
    1. a farm where horses are bred
  • stud finder (noun)
    1. a small permanent magnet in a metal container; when the magnet clicks against the container it indicates that the magnet is directly over an iron nail that holds the wallboard to a stud
  • stud mare (noun)
    1. a female horse used for breeding
  • stud muffin (noun)
    1. an attractive man who is very good at sex and who has sex with a lot of people
  • stud poker (noun)
    1. poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up; bets are placed after each card is dealt
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