
Definition: Meaning of, student in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈstjuːd(ə)nt /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
student students
  1. someone who is studying at a university, school etc [↪  pupil]
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  2. be a student of something to be very interested in a particular subject
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student used in phrases

  • art student (noun)
    1. someone studying to be an artist
  • college student (noun)
    1. a student enrolled in a college or university
  • exchange student (noun)
    1. a student who goes to a foreign country to study, usually as a part of a programme
  • grad student (noun)
    1. a student who continues studies after graduation
  • graduate student (noun)
    1. a student who continues studies after graduation
  • law student (noun)
    1. a student in law school
  • mature student (noun)
    1. British English a student at a university or college who is over 25 years old
  • medical student (noun)
    1. a student in medical school
  • student body (noun)
    1. American English all of the students in a HIGH SCHOOL, college, or university, considered as a group
  • student center (noun)
    1. a center for student activities at a college or university
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