
Definition: Meaning of, umbrella in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ʌmˈbrɛlə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
umbrella umbrellas
  1. an object that you use to protect yourself against rain or hot sun. It consists of a circular folding frame covered in cloth [↪  parasol]
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  2. umbrella organization/group/agency etc an organization that includes many smaller groups
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  3. umbrella term/word/title etc a word whose meaning includes many different types of a particular thing
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  4. (come/work etc) under the umbrella of something to be part of a larger organization or involved in the work done by it
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  5. the protection given by a powerful country, army, a weapons system etc
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umbrella used in phrases

  • Japanese umbrella pine (noun)
    1. tall evergreen having a symmetrical spreading crown and needles growing in whorls that resemble umbrellas at ends of twigs
  • earleaved umbrella tree (noun)
    1. small erect deciduous tree with large leaves in coiled formations at branch tips
  • umbrella arum (noun)
    1. foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix
  • umbrella bird (noun)
    1. black tropical American bird having a large overhanging crest and long feathered wattle
  • umbrella fern (noun)
    1. large Australasian fern with fanlike repeatedly forked fronds; sometimes placed in genus Gleichenia
  • umbrella magnolia (noun)
    1. small deciduous tree of eastern North America having creamy white flowers and large leaves in formations like umbrellas at the ends of branches
  • umbrella pine (noun)
    1. medium-sized two-needled pine of southern Europe having a spreading crown; widely cultivated for its sweet seeds that resemble almonds
  • umbrella plant (noun)
    1. rhizomatous perennial herb with large dramatic peltate leaves and white to bright pink flowers in round heads on leafless stems; colonizes stream banks in the Sierra Nevada in California
    2. late blooming perennial plant of shale barrens of Virginia having flowers in flat-topped clusters
  • umbrella sedge (noun)
    1. african sedge widely cultivated as an ornamental water plant for its terminal umbrellalike cluster of slender grasslike leaves
  • umbrella tent (noun)
    1. a small tent with a single supporting pole and radiating metal ribs
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